Here's my pit bull, Mojo, after we played frisbee for over an hour. I bought him one of those nylabone dog frisbees. He loves to chase after it and try to catch it. He is getting better at the catching part. He does bring of back to me, too. The thing is, he still won't let go of it when he comes back without some amount of tugging. Clearly, we can't be playing tug-of-war over the frisbee. You're never supposed to let the dog win those kind of games, and it's really hard to get a
hand hold on a slimey frisbee. He's getting better at giving it up, but he's not there yet. In any event, we had a very fun time. He got totally tired put and covered in mud, too.
Right after I took this pic, I brought him inside and gave him a thorough bath. Of course, he hated it, but, he was a pretty good sport about it after all. It's after midnight now and he's asleep next to me and he smells nice and clean.