Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Colored Lights
Monday, December 29, 2008
37 Gallons of Seawater
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas from the Griswolds
Panorama done on the iPhone using Pano.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Big mouth
jowels! It's hilarious to watch him in a deep sleep-when he breathes
out, they inflate and then make weird sounds.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Half-asleep by the fire
in here has gotten nice and comfy making Mojo want to sleep and
sleep. It's hard to get him to sit still for 10 seconds, except when
there's a fire going. Then, he lays down on the carpet (usually) in
front of the fireplace and snores his ass off.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Mojo aka "PillowDog"
Cadillac Tree Service
behind his car (land yacht). Before I could get the camera ready,
some of his harvest fell away. Still, he had a decent branch still
firmly following him at close range.
Photogene on the iPhone saves a picture
Taken with the iPhone camera. It wasn't up to my standards, mainly
because it wasn't in sharp enough focus. I've been playing with
Photogene on the iPhone and I came up with this. I actually like the
result. Not a bad save considering I was about to delete it.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Kylie & Mojo Relaxing
you lay on him when he's trying to sleep, it actually comforts him
and he settles right in. Pit bulls are such lovers!
Night Photo iPhone app test
accelerometers to tell when the camera is still, then actuates the
shutter. Works pretty well. As a photographer, I'm pretty good at
holding my breath while I take a picture to minimize shaking. It's
almost automatic with me. Even with that, it's hard to get a good
shot under some circumstances. This app really makes a difference.
Everyone's hands shake a little bit, and this app takes advantage of
the fact that in order to shake, the hand has to stop before it
changes direction to shake the other way, back and forth. The instant
you stop moving, it takes the shot. Pretty cool!
Monday, November 24, 2008
End of the photo dry spell
gorgeous Conure. It was a sweet bird as birds go. It was content to
walk across her fingers, back and forth from hand to hand. She was in
heaven. She totally loves animals, and even more so loves to interact
with new species.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Puppy Snuggle
Snuggling on the couch...ok. Picking him up for a little hug...not so much.
Little dogs
before and now a large male pit bull. So, when I was in the mall pet
store and my daughter asked to see this long-haired dachsund, I was
less than enthusiastic. After playing with him for a little while,
though, I can say, he was quite pleasant. He won't be catching any
frisbees or pulling me down the block on roller blades, but, as
companions go, he impressed me. First, we took out a miniature
pinscher be he was way too mouthy. This guy was just right. Playful
for a while, then, settled right into her lap.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Snake boy's Boa
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Cook's Tree Boa *in action*
This fine specimen is a Cook's Tree Boa. It's healthy and fairly aggressive, too.
About the photo... It was taken by my son with his phone. He just got it. He asked my advice. The iPhone or the only other great phone on the market (IMHO since I don't do Blackberry)- the HTC G1 running Google's Android OS. I do like my iPhone but from what I can see, Android has a lot...and I do mean A LOT of potential. That's not to say it's crap now. Far from it. Google has actualized quite a bit of Android's promise already. I can't wait to see what they do with it. To me, it kinda feels like a modern version of what PalmOS should have become. So, in my house, every night, it seems, my son and I sit down and compare the size of our...uh..I mean, the new capabilities of our phones since the last time we talked.
iChalky for the iPhone
fun again. I tried it with each of my family members before I settled on using Mojo's mug. I'm using the attached photo as my wallpaper now.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Kylie snuggling with Mojo
he still loves a good snuggle. Some dogs are protective of their treats and food. Mojo is not at all protective. We are always vigilent when she plays with him, and it's nice that he has never, ever, not even once shown anything but love and affection towards us all.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Mojo and David watching TV
Mojo does actually watch TV, though I don't think he understands it
all (especially the Simpson's).
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Cool costume
I'll definitely go back again sometime.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Pit Bull Footrest
usual. He makes a great foot rest & warmer. Strange to me that he
actually likes to be the footrest. My previous dogs would tolerate it
for a minute or two and then get up. Mojo, on the other hand, will
open his eyes to see what ok doing, then go back to sleep like
nothings going on. It's a great thing in the winter!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's a pit bull morning
My daughter loves irony and often refers to him as her "killer pit bull". She's a pit bull evangelist and will give you an earful if you spout off anything resembling a disparaging remark about pitbulls, particularly remarks that perpetuate the bad myths about them. She'll jump on you if you hit her with the "locking jaw" myth - she'll tell you, "taxonomically speaking, there's no difference between a pit bull jaw and the jaw of any other dog."
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Man, that's a big tongue
to swing his flirt pole again. This was taken after a good 10 minutes
of play so he's good and tired, already.
Mojo, first thing in the morning & a LONG rant about pit bulls
Previously, I owned Akitas. Great dogs, but, definitely not snugglers. My Akita, Kyo, was happy if he could see where I was, but, had zero interest in actually sitting down next to me and touching me. He would lay on the floor of the living room while I watched TV, about 2 feet away from me. If I left the room, he'd wake up, wait 5 minutes, then find me, lay down so he had a line of sight to where I went, then go back to sleep. Mojo, on the other hand, likes to get as
close to you as he possibly can.
His behavior is consistent with what our local animal control officer told us about pit bulls. A side effect of the selective breeding of pit bulls for fighting made them *highly* people oriented. Apparently, when pit bulls were openly fought in the ring, you had to be able to reach into the ring and pull out your dog without being bitten. My mom always taught me to never ever intervene if our dog got into a fight because even our own dog might bite us in all the excitement. Pit bulls that showed aggression toward the handler, on the other hand, were culled. Over time, this created a strong fighter with a highly people oriented personality. The animal control guy told us that it's actually against their nature to be human- aggressive. They want to please you so much, though, that they can be their own worst enemy. If you're a dumbass that gets a pit bull because you think it makes you look tough, and then teach him to be human-aggressive, he'll do it to please you. He (the animal control guy) said you really have to abuse a pit bull to make then want to bite you. I'd have had a hard time believing that before Mojo, but, it's true. He really loves people on a deep level. You can feel it when you're around him.
I left his ears uncropped because I prefer that look. Akitas have naturally pointy ears, which I like on an Akita, but pit bulls have normally floppy ears, so, I left them alone. I know a guy with a beautiful pit bull and he had his dog's ears cropped. When I met him, he looked at Mojo and said he wishes he had left the ears alone. He said that the cropped look makes him look mean which puts people off, and a lot of people fear pit bulls already from all the bad press they've gotten. I can understand that.
The truth is, pit bulls make fantastic family dogs. Are they for everyone-NO. They are powerful, highly energetic and they require a firm, (but not mean) consistent hand to propely bring them up. Do your homework before you adopt a pit bull, or any other dog for that matter. As long as you know what you're getting into, and you're prepared for it, you'll me rewarded with a companion like no other.
Check out
This site has a wealth of information about pit bulls, and it goes a long way toward sifting through all the misinformation about pit bulls - and there is a *lot* of that out there. Pit bulls are not natural born people-killers. They don't have special locking jaws. That's utter crap. They have very strong jaws, yes, but structurally, they are identical to all other dogs. Pit bulls cannot fly. Ok, I made that one up, but, my point is that people seem to want to believe everying they hear about pit bulls no matter how crazy it is.
Friday, September 26, 2008
iPhone panorama
Replacing Nintendo DS Lite Screen
I took a sheet of laminating paper, flipped it sticky side up, then taped a piece of white paper under it. Then, drew a (very) rough picture of where each screw goes. Now, if I sneeze again, I won't lose track of where they all belong. I wish I thought of that when I took the first one apart - the donor DS I got the screen from.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Pumpkins - Day 5
If I wanted to really compare how they grow using the gibberellic acid compared to regular, "unassisted" growth, I'd have planted some in a different pot as a control group. I thought about it for a little while and decided it would be boring to have to babysit an underpriveleged plant.
Anyway, they've outgrown their "nursery", and I'm moving them outside to their new home in the garden today.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pumpkins 4 days after planting
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Yikes. Pumpkins are getting huge
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Squash seeds outside
Pumpkins This morning
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Pumpkin Experiment
types of pumpkins in this box, so, it will be interesting to see how each one does.
I saw one account with a picture that seems to be genuine where a guy grew a 900lb pumpkin in 45 days with this stuff. Sounds like bullshit, but, after what I've seen these past few days, I'm starting to think it's true. Time will tell...and not that much time from what it looks like.
Feed Me Seymour!!! Day 3
planted properly outside.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
iPhone wallpaper from the park
Grove Park (Northfield, NJ). Sometimes, when the light is just right,
the iPhone camera doesn't do too bad. A little saturation boost might
be good, but, I still like it.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Too tired to go on
Here's mojo after an intense romp in the backyard. He's hot and tired, so he won't lay down, yet he can hardly stay awake. Funny fellow. Pit bulls are such clowns.
Best Cat Pic Evar!!!

This is clearly not for actual cat lovers, or, for people who are cat lovers yet lack a sense of humor...but, still.... This pic was taken in a local area parking lot. We poked at the legs to see
if it was real - it was real. Rigor mortis had definitely set in, and it was clear it had been in there for some time. How you could drive around with a cat in your grill and not know it was there is way beyond me, yet, here it is. The only photoshop done on this was to blur the plate so I don't get phone calls from the killer.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Lance Armstrong chopper by OCC
County Choppers display at Ballys in Atlantic City. It's really hard
to appreciate the insane level of detail in this bike from a single
picture. Holy shit, this bike is fantastic.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Mojo sitting with (on) a visitor
so, he was cool with Mojo's way of showing affection. When we all
decided to sit down and talk, Mojo laid down on the couch, too -
except my guest was already on the couch, so, Mojo did what he does
best...he jumped up on the couch and laid across him. Good thing he
liked dogs. Mojo will really test your limits of how close he can
get. He'd be happy if he could climb up into your shirt and go to
sleep. He really thrives on human companionship - typical pit bull
behavior from what I know.
Sicilian Eggplant
called it a Sicilian Eggplant. Seems to me, whatever it's called, it's
cool looking. The striking purple color really caught my daughter's
eye so she drug me over to see it. I ended up buying one more out of
curiosity than anything else. Now I just have to figure out what I'm
gonna do with it.
If anyone has a recipe that makes good use of this, let me know.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Trump Taj Mahal
Bodies exhibition. The exhibition was exceptionally interesting.
Something about perfectly preserved dismembered bodies that's just cool.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
iPhone is working again
about the 10th time I've restored it (literally) since I moved to a
2.xx firmware version.
In any case, here's another Face Melter pic. Face Melter reminds me of
"The Melty Man", a fictional character mentioned in the BBC comedy,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Face Melter app on the iPhone is so cool
Here's Oscar the kitty after a little Face Melter treatment.
Finally, the sunflower blooms
Relaxing and watching TV
slowly skink back onto your lap an inch at a time. Anyone who thinks pit bulls are born mean just don't know the real story. There's nothing more important to him than pleasing me. As with all pit bulls, he's his own worst enemy in that if I wanted him to behave badly, he'd do it just to make me happy. Being that I just want a sweet family dog, he's happy to be just that.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I present to you, this ball
Friday, August 8, 2008
Today's catch from the back bay
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Ferris wheel-all messed up
haven't seen it before this and I can't reproduce it. Usually, I can
get images to come out all wavy, but, this one blows me away.